CBD Benefits in Injury
Published 03 Jul 2019

The severity of spinal cord injuries is unimaginable to anyone who has not had one. The consequences can be too terrible to grasp, especially when loss of feeling and mobility occurs in the limbs. Some even lose the ability to breathe.

For many, paralysis is their new reality, albeit it temporarily for some. For others, they depend on help for even their most basic needs, but CBD edibles for pain can certainly help.

Effects of CBD in Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the worst possible injuries to have. Although they do not happen too often statistically, they are so bad that they can cause loss of function, mobility, strength, and sensation below the site of injury. In the United States, around 12,000 new cases occur annually, with 80 percent of victims male. Experts believe there are around 300,000 patients at any given time.

A broken arm or leg, as just an example, is painful and inconvenient, but a serious injury to the spinal cord has potentially fatal consequences, certainly life-changing ones. The central nervous system works from within the spinal cord to coordinate and control movement and function. Its primary duty is to transmit signals to and from the brain and the rest of the body, which allows you to move and feel sensation.

This movement of messages cannot occur normally if there is a fracture or an outright break to block it. If partially blocked, the victim suffers incomplete paralysis below the injury site, but if blocked entirely, the result is complete paralysis. Severity of paralysis depends largely on where the trauma occurs, as well, with it usually much more serious the higher the injury on the spinal column.

Cervical injuries, or those at vertebrae in the neck, for example, might lead to paralysis from the neck down, called quadriplegia, which is when victims lose function and feeling in all four limbs. Paraplegia, or loss of mobility in the legs, is more likely with injuries to thoracic vertebrae. If this were not traumatic enough, patients suffer extreme pain, muscle spasms, insomnia, and more too, all with their own issues.

CBD Has Painkilling Properties

Spinal cord injuries are incredibly painful, indescribably so. The pain is intense, unrelenting, and can last upwards of several months, even years, and in some cases, a lifetime. Pain occurs in places patients can both feel and not, and it can be so debilitating that it drastically alters the quality of life. Daily activities, even simple ones, are impossible, and available painkillers are addictive and dangerous.

CBD is has famous analgesic properties, powerful enough to relieve even the worst neuropathic pain. Studies show it activating endocannabinoid receptors within the brain and central nervous system, the areas worst affected. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, CBD treats pain at its source and regulates pain perception, making it an exceptionally promising therapeutic agent for these injuries.

CBD is Antispasmodic

Spasticity is an unfortunate but common symptom associated with spinal cord injuries. This is because ineffective communication prevents nerves from reach the reflex control center within the brain. Although the spine influences physical response, the brain is the primary driver. These interrupted messages cause muscle response to go into overdrive, resulting in mild spasms to violent spasticity.

These muscle spasms are dangerous in their own right, undeniably scary too. According to the British Journal of Psychiatry, CBD has famous antispasmodic properties, a discovery first published in 1890 by The Lancet. Other research suggests that an astonishing 70 percent of participants in various spasm-related studies report significant relief from CBD therapy.

CBD Has Neuroprotective Benefits

Recovering from spinal cord injury involves a strong neuroprotective response from the body. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, CBD activates the endocannabinoid receptors so crucial to triggering this vital response. This is revolutionary for treating spinal cord injuries, since if there is even some recovery from the injury, if just partially, the difference could be paralysis or not.

CBD Is Tranquilizing

The sheer pain and discomfort of spinal cord injuries keep patients from sleep, but anxiety and depression are other factors too. Insomnia is a serious issue for victims, as according to the American Association of Sleep Medicine, at least 77 percent cannot breathe properly when sleeping. Sleep quality is also poor, with sleep apnea yet another concern to keep patients up all night.

Insomnia is a risk factor for various other health conditions, including heart failure, hypertension, and more. It weakens immunity, further compromising an already pressured immune system. Although tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is most notorious for its sedative properties, the U.S. National Library of Medicine claims CBD also capable of improving both duration and quality of sleep for patients.

If you have ever tried a powerful Indica strain, you surely know all about its sedating “couchlock” effects. CBD has a large role to play in that, increasing the time spent in Stage 4 sleep, the deepest level of sleep possible, also called the REM phase. Much evidence exists already proving CBD highly effective at relieving many sleep issues. Some even show how it promotes homeostasis and healthy sleep cycles.

CBD Targets Inflammation

CBD triggers a powerful anti-inflammatory response. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it is already under development for novel anti-inflammatory drugs. It decreases swelling and redness significantly, fights inflammation where it occurs, and reduces all associated inflammatory responses. In this multi-pronged approach, CBD quickens the recovery process and helps rebuild neural transmission.

CBD Increases Mobility

Spinal cord injuries too commonly lead to loss of motor function. It is, in fact, a main symptom and affects most patients in some way or another. Although damage to the spinal cord is typically irreversible, the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows CBD improving mobility in rats with the same injuries. The study proved CBD reduces injury severity and boosts locomotor functional recovery.

Despite a lack of sufficient clinical trials in humans, research is proving highly promising. These findings indicate that CBD offers immense therapeutic benefit in treating lesions on the spinal cord, as well as motor functioning and sensory in victims of spinal cord injuries. Prognosis is typically better when treatment starts immediately after the injury happens.

Order CBD Online

Traumatic injuries to the spine certainly qualify you for cannabis therapy, but access to CBD is easy enough in California. If you are a victim of such an injury, then discuss CBD therapy with your doctor to determine effective dosages and prevent interactions with existing medications. Try a CBD tincture for pain to see how it affects you before gradually increasing the dosage.

If you order CBD online, make sure that it comes from a licensed, trusted supplier who ensures it comes free of residual solvents, toxins, pesticides, and other contaminants. For CBD edibles for pain to work properly, they must contain high quality medical-grade CBD. Potency is everything when treating spinal cord injuries, so you do not want a weak solution of ineffective quality.


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