Many people suffering from depression want to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and some are turning to alternative treatment options, such as CBD oil products.
When it comes to using CBD oil dose for a specific condition, research shows that the amount of CBD used is of critical importance.
Before using CBD oil to manage any condition or symptom, it is recommended to first speak with a trusted healthcare practitioner.
It is believed that regular use of CBD is best for treating depression. CBD oil dose can be taken on a daily basis to improve general health and wellbeing or to simply prevent major depression from manifesting.
CBD is known to accumulate in the body’s fat. If it is taken in the same way as a daily supplement the body can develop a baseline concentration.
While there are varying opinions and no conclusive studies done on the dosing of CBD and depression, it is believed that the ideal delivery method is through tincture, CBD oil or CBD oil dose capsules.
For those that are suffering from severe depression, the most effective treatment is believed to be in the form of tinctures. Tinctures offer sub-lingual delivery, bypassing the metabolic system and allowing the maximum amount of bioavailability.
• 25mg CBD dose oil twice daily
• Applied underneath the tongue and hold for at least 45 seconds before swallowing
For mild depression cases:
• Begin with a dose ranging from 5-10mg
• If this is ineffective, raise the dosage as required.
If CBD oil capsules are used be aware that they can take up to 90 minutes before the first effects are felt. For immediate relief, use a sub-lingual application of CBD oil dose.
In the case of depression, managing a daily intake of lower doses is recommended. For managing acute days of depression, using a stronger dose in the form of tincture or even vaporizer can produce effective results.
Cannabidiol is now widely recognized as having a variety of potential medical applications and in 2015 approximately $9 million was funneled towards CBD research in an effort to discover how CBD can be used in the medicinal field.
While the bulk of this research was focused on how CBD oil dose can be used to treat epilepsy, there were also studies done on how to correctly dose CBD for different conditions and symptoms. The research found that varying amounts of CBD may not impact potency or strength as one may expect. Instead, it was found that different doses are best for differing conditions.
This has been termed the ‘Goldilocks Range’.
For example, when using CBD oil dose to treat a condition, there is an apparent dose range that is best for a particular condition.
Currently, research shows that this Goldilocks Range is different for each condition. High amounts of CBD is required to effectively manage epilepsy whereas much lower doses are required in the treatment of anxiety.
If you are aiming at treating a specific condition, using too much CBD for that condition could reduce the efficiency. One particular study performed almost 30 years ago highlighted this point: the study evaluated the differing effects of different doses in the treatment of anxiety in animals. The study found the highest dose to have the least efficiency while the second lowest dose held the highest efficiency.
This type of Goldilocks is typical and found often in pharmaceutical drugs that work with the receptors located within the brain.
While there are no official claims that cannabis is an official medicinal treatment for depression, there are many anecdotal reports that make claims for the efficiency of using marijuana to combat depression.
Recreational users claim that marijuana is used for overall mood enhancing which serves to prevent the onset of depression as well as prevent the need for pharmaceutical drugs.
• Clinical depression is linked to a dysregulated endocannabinoid system.
• CBD, as well as THC, have shown promise in treating depression. However, the majority of these studies have been limited to animal studies and conclusive clinical research is still required.
• Statistics show a decreased suicide rate of 5% in states with legalized marijuana programs.
According to the World Health Organisation, at least 3 and a half million people worldwide are affected by depression. Pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed for treating depression are often accompanied by negative side effects and are known to cause dependency. Many people suffering from depression are looking for alternative treatments that are sustainable and offer the body and brain a healthy way to heal.
In 2010, a study published on the NCBI revealed that “CBD induces antidepressant-like effects comparable to those of Imipramine. These effects of CBD were probably mediated by activation of 5-HT(1A) receptors.”
One year later, a similar study set out to investigate the role of the endocannabinoid system in depression and concluded that “In the last few years, there have been several advances in the determination of the role of the endocannabinoid system in the etiology of depression and the functional actions of antidepressant drugs. Specifically, a deficiency in endocannabinoid signaling is sufficient to produce a “depressive-like” phenotype at the preclinical level…and capable of inducing symptoms of depression in humans at a clinical level. Moreover, facilitation of endocannabinoid signaling is sufficient to produce all of the behavioral and biochemical effects of conventional antidepressant treatments.”
In 2016, a study found that CBD is one of the fastest anti-depressants, reporting that “our results demonstrate that CBD exerts fast and maintained antidepressant-like effects as evidenced by the reversal of the OBX-induced hyperactivity and anhedonia.”
The results of these three studies show a clear connection between CBD and the treatment of depression. However, talking with a doctor that specializes in cannabis treatment (otherwise known as a ‘Cannabis Doctor’ can greatly assist you in finding the correct dosage in managing depression.